"21st Century Cartoon City" mainly provides stylish, novel and healthy derivatives of cartoon images for children aged 2-16, including mid-to-high end children's wear, shoes and hats, school bags, stationery, all kinds of toys and daily necessities. Cartoon image: Disney lion king series as the main body of the image, supporting the "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Duck", "Winnie the Pooh", "Princess", "Disney BABY", "Bambi", " Nose, Dumbo, Aladdin, Bear Brothers, Finding Nemo, Star Trek, Fantasia, Monsters, Toy Story, and more. Brand positioning: quality branding, fashion trend, variety diversity, price civilians. Product Structure: Children's wear accounted for 70% of children's shoes accounted for 15%; bags, plush, stationery, toys, a total of 15% Product Style: Highlight personality, fashion, classic design.