What should we pay attention to when using tents? 1. Choose tent position A flat area is important for tents, entrances and exits should be back vents, the ground should be relatively dry. If a thin lawn is the best, such as the slope of the ground slightly, exports should be selected in the downhill, it's easy to ditch up and drain. 2. Support and fixed. After rolling out the tent Inner tent corners should be fixed first, so put down the tent at the end capped firmly on the ground, if the conditions under the tent can pad mats, so that can protect the tent bottom, but also to achieve the best waterproof effect. When supporting foreign account, in addition to connecting rod and Pun-ta reliable, but special attention lay leash taut outer accounts to facilitate foreign accounts to achieve the best rain, there has skirted the tents, soft soil or sand applied pressure well, winter snow pressure can also be used, so more conducive wind. Nails should be a fixed inclination angle 35-45 degree is appropriate, ground into the ground and the distance and direction of the axis should be the same leash, leash and nailed a 90-degree angle, this will help to achieve maximum strength. It should be noted in the fixed order of the corresponding fixed, for example: first the left front corner, turn right rear corner, the right front corner, left corner, the whole tent fixed, adjust pull rope line so that all parties affected by consistent traction force. After stays good tent, check the distance between the internal and external accounts, if stick together, the effect rain and dew, should be adjusted. 3. Digging drainage ditches When camping, if possible rains, drains, ditches dug program will not be omitted, gutters should be close to the outer edge of the tent, if skirted tent outside groove position should shed water off into the ditch to facilitate appropriate, drainage ditches dug around the tent, so that water can be discharged smoothly.