Some colors are very close, resulting in many people can not tell exactly what color. Is it like the color of the same color blue and dark blue two colors What is the difference? In fact, there is, but for the feeling of clothing is difficult to choose, I feel two colors are similar. The difference between the two blue and dark blue color is a relatively bright, a darker, sapphire blue like a pure color, more bright, dark blue is darker, a little dark blue The feeling, this is called dark blue. For these two colors have their own different styles, sapphire more dazzling, dark blue is also more wild, today we come to match these two color sweater, navy blue sweater and dark blue sweater how to With it? Let's talk about sapphire blue sweater with it, the color of the blue autumn and winter will certainly not be missed, but also stitching white stripes. Superman chest pattern embellishment, lower body with a black slacks, sweater and slacks with just right. Dark blue with sweater, navy blue color darker than the treasure blue, hooded sweater style more youthful vitality, coupled with a coat it anyway, the lower body slacks match, dark blue sweater suit with classic again Take, autumn wear out the street, with a coat in winter are very good.
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