"Love of the Micro-era" was created by Zhou Bichang, Tan Weiwei, and Chen Farong, who made their debut at the 20th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards Ceremony in 2014. Tan Weiwei was wearing Christopher Kane's early autumn 2013 collection.
"Love of the Micro-era" created by Zhou Bichang, Tan Weiwei, Chen Farong, etc. debuted at the 20th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards Ceremony
"Love of the Micro-era" was created by Zhou Bichang, Tan Weiwei, and Chen Farong, who made their debut at the 20th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards Ceremony in 2014. Tan Weiwei was wearing Christopher Kane's early autumn 2013 collection.
"Love of the Micro-era" created by Zhou Bichang, Tan Weiwei, Chen Farong, etc. debuted at the 20th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards Ceremony
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