Tired of the way tired, or cotton models are not enough to publicize the fashion personality? Improved version of the cotton clothes, is definitely the favorite of fashion ICON, warm lambskin or cloak models, or personalized water sleeves models are in the cotton clothes Baodian lore eyeball models. Casual lamb lambskin cotton suits, full of youthful atmosphere, warm and sweet lambs, Martha red checked shorts and knee boots, Han Fantuo build. Practical and versatile cloak makes it a woman's favorite winter single product. Cloak paragraph warm and stylish cotton dress, wearing a black cloak cotton and jeans modeling, playful and mysterious. Variety of cloak it is also the charm of the place, winter is covered with cloak cotton clothes a good season. Fashionable new species, EXTRA LONGSLEEVE, meaning Sleeves. Sleeve wide, big, blowing a strong lazy atmosphere. Fashion icon icon Sleeve preference, fashion street shooting everywhere. Too long may only hope and sigh, short sleeves rejection is not more retro tone, and A small skirt integration of the entire dress is neither too sexy but also revealed tender life. Cotton and beautiful combination of warm, all kinds of warm heart, learn a few moves to wear cotton warm clothing, from the passers-by goddess.